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Friday, 30 September 2016

Why Rejection Is A Good Thing

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Most campus dudes hate approaching girls, they dread walking up to a beautiful girl walking around by herself or with friends and trying to win her over with their words. As a result they stay in their comfort zones and keep getting the same miserable results.

Realize this, if you want to get what others don’t get, you have to do what others don’t do. Same thing with getting girls, you must learn to approach because few men do it. And you learn to approach by overcoming your fear of rejection. You learn to approach by seeing rejection as a beautiful thing.

Before you can succeed with women, you must allow yourself a chance to fail with them. Each act of failure brings you closer to success.

I have been rejected more than most men I know but because of this, I have also chawed more campus girls than most men I know. The more you try with girls, the more you increase your chances with them.

As you get experience and skill, it gets even easier for you to succeed in this game. Previously it took me 20 approaches to get a single number, today it’s probably down to two approaches. Rejection hardens you but it also points out your mistakes so that you can tweak your game.

One of the hardest rejection is the head turn when you go in for a kiss. Most guys would feel embarrassed if this happened to them. But it’s one of our favourite. It helps you to know where you stand with a girl so you don’t waste your time over a dead end like most guys.

And here’s something guys, it’s not your fault when you get rejected by a girl. Stop beating up yourself when you talk to a girl and she blows you up. When you get rejected by a girl, there’s only one thought that should be in your head; “it’s her loss.”

Even if you said the lamest shit in the world or spilled your drink on her, it is still her loss. If you went in to dance with her and she pulled away, it’s her loss. If you tripped in front of her and all her friends laughed at you, it’s her loss. If her cockblock prevented you from taking her back to your place for a good orgasm, it’s her loss. This mindset prevents you from dwelling on past encounters that went wrong and focuses your brain on future opportunities. Finally it prevents you from altering your game because it failed to work on this one particular girl on this one rare night.

The campus guys who wish to avoid rejection most of the time also have the most pride. They don’t want to lose their ego by approaching her and getting burst for it. A man without pride understands that rejection is okay, he’s not trying to protect his reputation or anything, he’s just going in for what he wants.

Even though most of your approaches at campus won’t result into sex, you have to do them anyway. Approach as many girls as possible, get as many numbers as possible, move on as many girls as possible, work up your sample space and soon you will be having the bangs that most campus dudes dream of. And here’s something great about girls. When a girl finds out that other girls are interested in you, most of the time she automatically becomes interested in you so she can get to know what’s special about you. It’s called social proof. You are most likely to buy from a supermarket where everyone else buys from than from one without customers. That’s why once you become a top player, you even stop working very hard at getting girls, they begin coming to you on their own. Her friends too will try to hit on you if they learn about your good sex so they too can have similar experiences.

So do yourself a favour and get used to rejection, it’s a good thing, it desensitizes you and gives you thick skin in the game.

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